Human Resources Policy

Human Resources Policy

PENTA Elektronik, realises that human resources is the ultimate wealth for an organisation and continuously supports its employees. PENTA Elektronik aims to:

  • Strengthening the organisation by employing members that have the knowledge and the required skills for the duty,
  • Provide a workplace environment that motivates its employees to use their creativities and express their ideas freely.
  • Continuously train and support its employees, prioritising their personal and occupational growth,
  • To encourage and reward high performance by evaluating them with objective criteria,
  • Provide the best to its employees by implementing innovative human resources practices.


Our hiring process aims to match correct candidate with the correct position. The candidates are invited to preliminary interviews though the databases we create using career portals and individual applications.

After interviewing with HR Department members, suitable candidates goes though second interviews with the managers of the department they are applying for.

Candidates that are approved by the managers are offered a job after salary and reference evaluations.

The applicant starts the job after accepting the offer. Orientations and health & safety trainings eases the adaptation process.

Trainings are planned yearly, regarding employees’ personal and occupational needs.

Each employees training record is kept and monitored individually, and evaluated to measure effectiveness.

Mandatory occupational trainings of the blue collar employees are determined according to OHSAS 18001 standards. These training are given before starting the job by accredited establishments.

By the orientation program we aim to introduce the company to the employee, speeding up the time it takes for them to adjust to their new working place and friends. Briefly we want them to “get a feeling of PENTA Elektronik“ during the process.

The orientation program ends with the mandatory trainings determined by our quality system and the briefing by the HR department about the functioning of the organisation.